It’s tempting to put off auto repair until the last second. Many drivers are guilty of putting off replacing a failing part for as long as possible, thinking this means they’re getting the most mileage out of every component. While delaying going to the shop today may save time and money, you could be looking at a hefty bill down the line. A failing fuel pump will kill your gas mileage and leave you stranded. Know the signs to watch for before you’re stuck on the side of the road with no fuel delivery to your engine.
Struggling or Failing to Start A faulty fuel pump will make it difficult for your engine to start. Sudden difficulty starting your engine may signify that your fuel pump isn’t properly regulating your fuel to air ratio. If it’s taking your engine longer to turn over, it’s worth having your fuel pump inspected.
Sluggish Acceleration A delay in fuel delivery to your engine may result in hesitation when you try to accelerate. If you notice it’s taking longer for fuel to reach your engine, a failing fuel pump may be the culprit.
Power Surges When a fuel pump is faulty, it may function intermittently. These peaks and dips in performance translate to surges of power.
Loss of Fuel Economy A sudden dip in fuel economy can be a sign that the relief valve within your fuel pump isn’t opening correctly. A malfunctioning relief valve will allow more fuel than necessary to enter the engine. This fuel is needlessly burned, meaning you’ll notice you’re going to the pump more often.
Drag While Towing Changes in load-bearing may be the first sign of an ailing fuel pump. Any additional stress on your engine will highlight insufficiencies in your fuel delivery system. Losing power while pulling extra weight is an early warning sign of fuel pump problems.
Stalling at High Temperatures Stalling is a common sign of trouble across multiple systems. When coupled with high engine temps, the fuel pump is suspect. An engine receiving insufficient fuel has to work harder to function. As the engine works harder, it becomes hotter. If your engine is overheating and stalling, it may not be receiving adequate fuel from the pump.
A High-Pitched Whirring Sound Fuel pumps emit a constant but subtle sound as they operate. Typically, road and engine noise are sufficient to drown this out. If you suddenly hear a high-pitched whine from the backseat, you may be hearing the sounds of a dying fuel pump.
If you suspect your fuel pump may be showing signs of failure, have it inspected right away. A fuel pump showing signs of trouble will likely need replacing. At Friendly Auto Centers, we have experience in maintenance and repair. Let our knowledgeable technicians get to the bottom of your fuel delivery issue and get you back on the road at full power.
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